The highest lake on the Six Lakes property, Loon Lake receives incoming water from several sources, including several small springs. The water quality, aquatic life, and wetlands at this lake are spectacular – perfect for growing large Brook and Rainbow trout. The outflow of water from this lake feeds the entire Six Lakes system. This steady flow of spring water helps to keep the aquatic environment at Six Lakes healthy and productive. View depth contour map of Loon Lake.
Located just east of Loon Lake, Duck Lake receives most of it water from Loon. With shallow shelves around the perimeter of the lake and a deep center, Duck Lake is very fertile and can grow some of the biggest trout around. Healthy scud, damsel fly, midge, and callibaetis mayfly populations in Duck Lake keep those big fish well fed and growing. Some of the largest Rainbow and Brook trout at Six Lakes can be found in Duck Lake.
East of Duck Lake is Eagle Lake. The largest of our lakes, Eagle Lake is home to all of the trout species available at Six Lakes. These include Rainbow trout, Brown trout, Brook trout, and aggressive Tiger trout. Eagle Lake is rich in wetland areas and supports a healthy population of shore and water birds. The cliffs and large submerged boulders on the north side of the lake provide hiding spots for some very large brown and tiger trout.
Island Lake is the furthest east on the northern chain of lakes. During high flows, the water exiting Island Lake into Big Sand Wash reservoir can reach 15 cubic feet per second. Island, is one of the most scenic lakes at Six Lakes, and the Goose Island in the middle of the lake provides early season nesting for waterfowl. With average depths of under 10 feet over most of the lake and an area of deep cold water, Island Lake provides fertile and productive trout habitat perfect for growing large fish. Anglers at Island Lake will find Rainbow and large Brown trout along with largemouth bass, bluegill and tiger muskie.
Located on the southern side of Six Lakes near the campgrounds, Totem Lake is home to abundant Rainbow trout. It is managed as a family fishery with lots of fish around 12 inches but some rainbows here have been known to reach into the mid twenty inch range. Totem Lake gets some of its water from springs and also from the outflow of Meadow Lake and a diversion from Loon Lake. The western end of Totem Lake is a fantastic wetland with an abundance of aquatic and terrestrial wildlife.
The most recently built and deepest lake, Cliff Lake is paradise for fishermen looking for large Rainbow trout. Highly oxygenated water, flows out of Totem Lake, tumbles off Indian Falls and cascades down into Cliff Lake. An abundance of aquatic insect life and high protein creatures like scuds and crayfish provide a good food source for the resident Rainbow and Brown trout.
A new addition to the Six Lakes property, Meadow Lake is home to a fast growing population of Rainbow, Brown and Tiger trout and a few Brook trout. This lake is surrounded by adjacent fields, meadows, and pasture lands and has large biologically productive shallow areas and great hatches of callibaetis and trico mayflies as well as damsel and dragon flies. With such an abundance of food, fish here are growing fast and a few have reached 8+ pounds.